Meet the Team: Partnership & Communication

Firstly, who are you and what’s your role at Citizens Advice Manchester? 

“I’m Rosi and I’m the Partnership & Communication Lead at Citizens Advice Manchester. I started working for Citizens Advice in 2013 as I wanted to do something that really helps local communities - I particularly liked how Citizens Advice is for anyone and everyone, no matter who they are.”

What does your role involve on a day-to-day basis? 

“One part of my role is managing our external partnerships, for example our strategic partnership with Electricity North West, helping deliver energy advice to vulnerable people and improving the energy picture across Greater Manchester. I also look after our partnerships with local health services and other energy support. 

The other part of my role involves research and campaigns and communications, looking at how we respond to any policy put out by national and local governments, and also making sure we’re communicating clearly with the people of Manchester about who we are, what we do and how we can help.”

Why is it important to have good partnerships within the local community? 

“Whilst we do a huge amount of work for the community, we know that we can’t do everything. That’s why it’s really important to work closely with the other fantastic organisations doing positive work across Manchester. It’s also important to work strategically with key partners across the city, to make sure we’re influencing the way systems are set up,so that they work effectively for the people of Manchester.”

What are some of the big issues the team is campaigning around currently? 

“Our main focus at the moment is the cost of living crisis. We know that a lot of people have been hit really hard by the continuing cost of living increases, particularly people on the lowest incomes who have had a triple whammy of stagnant benefit rates, rising energy prices and cost of inflation.

We’re working really hard to ensure there’s positive steps taken and we were pleased to see the Chancellor put a generous support package in place for people. We’ll continue campaigning to ensure the government continues to listen to the needs of people who are most vulnerable and deliver effective support.”

What local campaigns is Citizens Advice Manchester involved in? 

“On a local level, one thing we’re really keen to look at is the digital inclusion agenda in Greater Manchester and making sure we’re working effectively with people to help them get online and gain digital skills, as well as reaching out to stakeholders and key organisations to make sure digital inclusion is built into the way their services are delivered.”

Another issue we’re looking at right now is private renting sector housing and what more we can do to target support for vulnerable renters, by looking at how we can engage communities with improving the private renting within their area.” 

Finally, what do you enjoy most about your role? 

“Firstly, I love that no two days are the same. My role is a really interesting mix of different bits and pieces and it’s nice to get to do something different every single day. I also love that working in policy,  you get to see tangible differences in terms of systems being changed in order to make life better for our most vulnerable residents. That’s really rewarding for me.”