85 years of free advice in Manchester
We provide free, confidential, independent and impartial advice to help you find a way forward with your problems.
Whoever you are, whatever the problem. We’re here to help.
Get Help
We offer advice on a wide range of subjects. Get in touch with us in a way that works for you.

Advice in the community
We offer advice across Manchester through our community hubs, video advice hubs and our mobile advice unit. Find your nearest hub or view our upcoming community events.
Our Impact
Last year, we helped over 50,000 people to move forward with their problems, from energy bills to welfare benefits, debt and employment to housing rights. Our advisers were able to advice on over 124,000 issues and increase household incomes by over £9 million.
People helped
Issues advised
Income gained

Volunteer and make a difference
Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, meet people and make a real difference in your local community. Register your interest to hear our about upcoming volunteering opportunities.
The people’s champion
We give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward - whoever they are, and whatever their problem.
We are here to help everyone who needs it with practical advice you can really trust.

Improving policy and practice that shapes people’s lives
As well as providing advice, we collect evidence from client’s experiences - and our experiences of advising them, and use this to campaign for positive changes that can benefit everybody - not just the people who come to us for help.