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Spring clean your energy habits

As we move into spring and the temperatures start rising, it’s easy to forget about your energy usage.  However now is the perfect time to ‘spring clean’ your energy habits - and save yourself a few pennies in the process. 

We’ve put together some helpful tips to help you save money on energy this Spring. If you need energy advice, you can speak to our dedicated energy team on 0800 278 7800. 

Turn your thermostat down 

It goes without saying but with the warmer weather starting to kick in it makes sense to notch your thermostat down a little. 

According to the Energy Saving Trust, turning your heating down by just one degree could save you around £60 a year on bills.

On hotter days, why not turn your heating off rather than leaving it on and opening a window. Where possible, you should set your heating controls to only come on if the temperature drops below a certain level.

Switch your energy supplier 

From April 1 the energy price cap in the UK rose from £1,042 to £1,138, meaning the average household bill has increased. As a result, now is a great time to check if you could be getting a better deal by switching to a different tariff or new supplier. 

There are several things you need to know before you switch, such as if your contract with your current supplier has an exit fee and which type of meter you have. 

Our energy team can help talk you through your options when it comes to getting a better deal on energy and guide you through the switching process. 

Rely less on your tumble dryer 

Once you’ve washed your clothes, it’s tempting to just throw them straight into the tumble dryer - but these are actually one of the most energy-intensive home appliances. 

When the sun’s out, why not hang clothes out to dry on a washing line instead - just be sure to check the forecast for rain beforehand. 

Switch your devices off standby 

Many of us are guilty of leaving our devices switched on when they’re not in use - leaving TVs, games consoles and kitchen appliances on when not in use wastes a lot of electricity. 

A good habit to get into this spring is switching any devices off at the sockets when you’re not using them. This could save around £35 a year, according to the Energy Saving Trust.

Make the most of the sunshine 

As we move into spring, make sure you open your curtains so as much sunlight as possible can come in through your windows - meaning you can turn off any artificial lights. 

With the warm weather coming in, you could also think about putting the hairdryer down once in a while and allowing your hair to dry naturally in the sun (even in Manchester!)

For more information on how you can save on your energy bills and access other support offered by your energy provider, join our Spring Clean Your Energy Habits session on 27th April at 5pm, or get in touch with our Energy Team.