Posts tagged #digital
New Year, New Skills

As more an more services move online and more and more jobs require digital skills there has never been a better time to learn.

Starting in February

Each module covers a specific subject that aims to build candidate confidence and awareness in digital skills. Subjects covered include:

• Introduction to Digital - Learning how to solve problems online and how the world of digital is helping to improve people’s lives.

• Digital Communications - using the internet to talk to friends, family and people that you work with, specifically focusing on utilising email in a safe and secure way.

• Digital Documents - learn how to use different software to be productive, learn how to use spread sheets, video and images on content.

• Devices & Safety – helping understand different online risks and how to spot them while keeping safe online at home and at work.

• Personal Branding – learn how to present yourself online, apply for roles and be aware of your personal brand.

All modules are also available for candidates to access via

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